• Who Is GermBlast®

    We are on a mission to eradicate illness from your everyday life. We serve as the shield against the infections that can stop you in your tracks.

  • Science-Driven

    Our corporate team of Microbiologists, Biochemists, Epidemiologists, and Public Health Experts hand selected every product just for you.

  • Building An Army

    We attack infection from all angles and provide solutions to those who believe the speed of illness is preventable.

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Trusted By Many

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Leaders in Infection Prevention Solutions and Products

Who We Protect

Home & Business

The average person spends over 90% of their time indoors. Whether we're working or relaxing, infection never stops fighting.

Protect your home or business with high-quality, effective cleaning products, disinfection equipment, and air quality products from GermBlast.

Education & Childcare

Students, teachers, children, and parents all benefit from a healthy environment.

Provide your stakeholders with the best environment to grow and learn with safe, effective disinfection solutions from GermBlast. From commercial air purification to EPA approved disinfectants, we're sure to have the perfect solution keep your preschool, K-12 facility, daycare, play park, nursery, or college protected year round.


Every year hundreds of thousands of patients enter hospitals and healthcare facilities for one health problem only to contract a healthcare-associated infection while receiving treatment.

At GermBlast, we believe that zero healthcare-associated infections are possible. Our mission is to empower infection preventionists and Environmental Services professionals with the confidence of knowing that their facility is protected against HAIs.

Municipalities & Government

The health and wellness of first responders and other public servants is paramount to the success of every governing body in the United States.

GermBlast is a proud member of the NDVSB Marketplace, Texas HUB Program, National Minority Supplier Development Council, and many other great purchasing programs and platforms. Contact us today to learn more about our procurement partnerships.